Breast Cancer Resources

Newly diagnosed people, their loved ones, and caregivers can count on us to provide balanced, understandable, compassionate information about breast cancer research and treatment options.

Think Before You Pink

Our work to end this breast cancer challenges "pinkwashing" hypocrisy and pink ribbon culture, which have become the status quo of the breast cancer industry.


BCAction was founded 30+ years ago in San Francisco during two public health crises-the AIDS outbreak and the breast cancer epidemic-and that helped shape its mission and fuel its activism. Early members apprenticed themselves to the AIDS group, ACT UP, and shared many of that group’s tactics, turning their anger into action to push for better treatments, true prevention, and investment in public health.
Our founders saw their disease not as a personal tragedy, but as a larger social justice and public health crisis. They knew that individual changes in behavior weren’t the answer, and pushed for sweeping systemic change instead.
More About BCAction
Breast Cancer Action is moving to Our Bodies Ourselves Today!
Our Bodies Ourselves Today has an expert panel on every subject area, and as part of the plan to steward Breast Cancer Action’s materials, the organization will identify and convene a panel of feminist breast cancer experts to vet and work on breast cancer materials going forward. The organization will use Breast Cancer Action’s work over the three decades to curate materials, both new and archived.

Subscribe to OBOS Today's newsletter to stay up to date!


December 14, 2024

What’s next for Breast Cancer Action
Posted on December 14, 2024 Dear Friends, Family, and Fellow Supporters of Breast Cancer Action, Since we wrote to you at the end of June announcing Breast Cancer Action was going to close, we’ve been working vigorously to preserve and protect the o [...] READ MORE

December 12, 2024

A Legacy Dedicated to Ending the Breast Cancer Crisis
Posted on December 12, 2024 Thirty-four years ago, our founders knew that together, their personal tragedies reflected a critical social justice issue that is part of a larger public health crisis. Breast Cancer Action was founded in 1990 by four [...] READ MORE


We provide free educational materials with unbiasedm accessible, science-based analysis of breast cancer issues untangled from free of industry influnce.


We believe that all people deserve access to patient-centered resources to make the best decisions about their care.

Think Before You Pink®

Breast Cancer Actions's Think Before You Pink campaign continues to hold the Breast Cancer Industry accountable

The absence of transparency, lack of accountability, and the widespread hypocrisy in the pink ribbon marketing culture exploits a disease that devastates communities, misrepresents who is affected by breast cancer, and excludes and marginalizes women’s diverse lived experiences of the disease




For joining us at BCAction events throughout the year.
Breast Cancer Action hosts member connectors and fundraisers throughout the year. Learn More