
Thank you to everyone who made the 14th Annual Billie Gardner Loulan Memorial Luncheon a success!

It was a wonderful day at the beautiful Windmill School and LaureL Education Center. We laughed, we cried, we made some noise and we made it clear that the breast cancer epidemic is far from over! 

Thanks to the support of donors like you, we exceeded our match for the Karen Tate Stop the Epidemic Fund and raised almost $120,000 over all.

Featured Speaker

Dr. Barbara Cohn is an epidemiologist with undergraduate, masters, and PhD degrees from the University of California, Berkeley and is currently the Director of the Child Health and Development Studies (CHDS). Since 2001, under Dr. Cohen’s leadership, the CHDS has conducted research examining how pregnancy events and exposures to environmental chemicals impact neurodevelopment, obesity, reproductive health, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, health disparities and cancer in mothers and their children, and more recently their grandchildren—across the life span.

The CHDS is a 59 year study that began with 15,000 pregnant women and their partners in the Kaiser-Oakland population in 1959-1967. The study currently includes three generations, with the fourth now being born.

Dr. Cohn is a cancer widow, mother of three and grandmother of two, and consults with researchers around the world on the use of the CHDS data for health research.

Thank you to our match donors and sponsors:

Karen Tate Stop the Epidemic Fund Match Donors
Kristin Brew
Susan & Mike McLaughlin
Angela & Sam Schillace
Jocelyn & Dan Swisher
Karen Tate & Charlie Krenz
Laure Woods

Silver Sponsors
Donna Dubinsky
Julia Louis-Dreyfus & Brad Hall
Sue Jaggers
Ginny Kavanaugh
Carrie Lukatch
Debra & Andrew Rachleff

Bronze Sponsors
Judy & Gary Bloom
Karen Klein & Ben Golvin
Dorothy Polash
Jennie Savage & John Dawson
Mary Tate


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