Pinkwasher: (pink’-wah-sher) noun. A company or organization that claims to care about breast cancer by promoting a pink ribbon product, but at the same time produces, manufactures and/or sells products that are linked to the disease.
Pinkwashing has reached a new low this year with “Promise Me,” a perfume commissioned by the giant of the breast cancer movement, Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Promise Me contains chemicals not listed in the ingredients that: (a) are regulated as toxic and hazardous, (b) have not been adequately evaluated for human safety, and (c) have demonstrated negative health effects.
Two chemicals of primary concern in Promise Me include Galaxolide and Toluene:
- Galaxolide is a synthetic musk that works as a hormone disruptor and has been detected in blood, breast milk, and even newborns.
- Toluene is a potent neurotoxicant linked to a variety of demonstrated negative health effects and is widely known as one of the toxic trio. Toluene is banned by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA).
We are Raising a Stink! about this pinkwashing and strongly urge Komen to do right by women:
- Immediately recall Promise Me;
- Commit to the highest standards by signing the Pledge to Prevent Pinkwashing
Join us in Raising a Stink! about pinkwashing and demand Susan G. Komen for the Cure do right by women when it comes to their pink ribbon products.