By Kate Frisher, Campaigns Coordinator
Last week the House passed a misleading and dangerous bill known as “Right to Try.” But we have a chance to stop the bill when it goes to the Senate. The time to make your voice heard is right now!
Senators are in their home districts for a two week recess. Using our easy one-step system, connect to your Senators’ district office to tell them why you oppose Right to Try.
Call your Senators today and tell them to vote NO.
If you attended our webinar in February about Right to Try, if you’ve read our op-ed in Cancer Health, or if you follow us on social media, you already know:
Yes, we urgently need new safe and effective treatments for metastatic breast cancer patients and other people with terminal illnesses. But the unfortunate reality is that the barriers to lifesaving treatments are scientific, not regulatory. It isn’t true that removing FDA oversight will unleash an onslaught of successful treatments. What it will do instead is further dismantle regulatory oversight of drug development and the approval process, putting all of us at risk.
Call your Senators today to voice your opposition to Right to Try.
Want to take your activism to the next level? The current recess is the perfect time to meet with your Senators in person, since many will be back in their districts and holding meetings around the state. Download our legislative toolkit to learn how to set up a meeting with your Senator or attend a town hall and urge them to oppose Right to Try.