Posted on October 31, 2022
By Zoë Christopher, Operations Manager & Program Officer
We want to thank all of you who, even in the midst of the current societal uncertainty and concern, participated in this year’s Think Before You Pink® campaign: A (R)Evolution. Together we will continue to push back on the rampant, unregulated capitalism that fuels pink ribbon cause marketing.
Breast Cancer Action has a long history of focusing on the root causes of breast cancer, and this October we took a hard look at the corporate tactics used to perpetuate the idea that somehow, consumerism lies at the root of the solution to ending this disease. But now, after 20 years of calling out bad actors, our community of passionate activists has had enough.
We’re fed up with being manipulated by false advertising. We’re fed up with the revolving door that allows regulatory agencies to stay in bed with lobbyists. We’re fed up with manufacturers lacing our products with cancer-causing chemicals. We’re fed up with living every day in a toxic soup because of the suppression of scientific evidence. And particularly in today’s economic climate, we’re fed up with our dollars doing little more than lining corporate pockets.
And with your commitment to this work, we’re making a difference. Highlights and impacts from the last month include:
Our 20 Year Look-Back video on the wins achieved throughout Think Before You Pink® shows how the industry-disrupting campaign has continued to change the landscape of breast cancer fundraising year after year. If you haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, tune in to see the impact our collaborative actions have had.
So thank you for everything you do to support this work, from educating yourself and spreading the word to friends and family, to signing on to our open letter to the breast cancer industry, to donating. You make our work possible.