By Heather Stone, Development Manager
What we’ve learned from preparing for our event Drawing the Connections is this: the Breast Cancer Action community is full of powerful and passionate artists.
From photography to collage to poster art, this auction will have something for everyone. If you haven’t yet, it’s not too late to join the extraordinary group of artists by submitting your piece to the Drawing the Connections art auction!
We’ve extended the submission deadline to Monday, May 8th!
If you want to participate but don’t know exactly what you want to submit, that’s okay too. Just fill out the form and I’ll follow up with you.
Don’t forget to save the date for our Virtual Community Gathering on Tuesday June 13th from 4 – 5pm PT / 5 – 6pm MT / 6 – 7pm CT / 7pm – 8pm ET. Tickets and sponsorship opportunities will be available soon.
At this event we will highlight a few of the participating artists whose art submission reflects and connects with Breast Cancer Action’s work to achieve health justice for all people at risk of and living with breast cancer. You will also get to hear from our amazing staff about the work we are doing!
This fundraiser will reflect our core values. BCAction is not your average breast cancer organization, and for three decades we have targeted this disease by addressing its root causes. The health inequities we face are the result of a complex interplay between culture, power, economics, racism, and sexism. While the mainstream breast cancer movement remains squarely focused on pink ribbons, “awareness” campaigns, and individual lifestyle choices, we approach breast cancer through a health justice lens.
We encourage submissions from artists who feel aligned with our values and are interested in addressing issues of breast cancer, health, and other social justice causes. We welcome art that explores these themes, however it is not required for you to stick to those themes or express them in a literal way. If you feel inspired to submit a piece, please do!
The deadline to submit a piece of art has been extended to Monday, May 8th. Please don’t hesitate to connect with me if you have any questions about this fundraiser or the submission guidelines.