By Karuna Jaggar, Executive Director
With your support we are building a national movement to end fracking and dangerous drilling practices that harm our health and increase our risk of cancer.
That’s why
Breast Cancer Action, along with organizations and frontline leaders across California and around the world are launching #LastChanceAlliance to demand action from California’s new Governor, Gavin Newsom.
Watch and share our launch video to spread the word about this new campaign.
Thanks for joining us in action last year to demand California Governor Jerry Brown ban all new oil and gas infrastructure before he left office. With a new administration comes a new opportunity to expand and build on the progress we’ve already made.
That’s why we’re proudly helping lead the #LastChanceAlliance because we know that breast cancer is a public health crisis and a social justice issue.
The rapid expansion of fracking and dangerous drilling over the last decade has positioned the U.S. as one of the top oil producing countries. And California is currently a top oil producing state, in addition to the most populated state in the nation and grows more of our food than anywhere else in the country. In our interconnected world, that means we’re all at risk of exposure to the toxic chemicals used by California’s oil and gas industries.
Hundreds of chemicals are used to drill and process fossil fuels, and many of them are linked to breast cancer, as well as other diseases and disorders. Workers and frontline communities, the people who live the closest to oil and gas sites, have increased risks of asthma attacks, higher hospitalization rates, more rashes and upper respiratory problems, and a higher risk of cancer down the road.
Without strong action now, we’ll pay the price with our health and our lives for years to come. That’s why we’re calling on Gov. Newsom to put an end to fracking and dangerous drilling that threatens to increase our risk of cancer.