Posted on April 21, 2022

By Krystal Redman, Executive Director

Empty awareness is not going to solve the breast cancer crisis.

We need systemic interventions to disrupt the inequities that directly influence the health, safety, and lives of our communities.

And we need your support.

We’re prioritizing ACTION over awareness by:

  • Urging CalGEM, California’s regulatory agency, to ban all new permits for oil and gas wells that are not 3,200 feet away from areas where we live, work, and play.
  • Working to pass the No PFAS in Cosmetics Act which will shift the responsibility from consumers to the cosmetics industry to stop the use of intentionally added PFAS in makeup and personal care products.
  • Developing a workshop with our partners at the Silent Spring Institute to inform policymakers about federal agencies’ flawed practices for evaluating chemical effects on the breast.

AND we’re developing a new educational piece that connects the dots between extreme weather conditions caused by fossil fuel production and the disproportionate increases in breast cancer risk for frontline communities. This fact sheet highlights the impacts of the environmental crisis on breast cancer and adds to the mounting evidence that makes it clear: we must phase out fossil fuels immediately.

Your donation allows us to produce important pieces like this one that focuses on strategies to significantly reduce our involuntary exposures to cancer-causing toxins.

Each year, nearly 300,000 people are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in the U.S. More than half of those have no known risk factors, and family history accounts for only around 10 percent. This risk is most acutely carried by communities with the furthest relationship to power and economic resources.

But, together, we can do something about it.

–> Yes! I want to support these crucial efforts to
stop cancer BEFORE it starts! <–

Thank you for your support, commitment, and activism.