By Lopa Pal, Development Manager
Our 8th Annual Action Speaks Louder Than Pink – Food for Thought dinner is next month. And we’re excited to see everyone who’s already purchased their tickets!
Don’t miss out on what’s sure to be a powerful evening. Early-Bird tickets are still available, but ticket prices will go up after September 21 so get yours today!
8th Annual Action Speaks Louder Than Pink – Food for Thought Dinner
Monday, October 15, 2018
6 – 9 p.m.
Green Room at the War Memorial & Performing Arts Center
San Francisco, CA
Vegetarian and vegan options for all courses available upon request. The venue is wheelchair accessible.
Food for Thought offers the chance to spend time with the Breast Cancer Action community while enjoying a delicious meal prepared by some of the Bay Area’s best chefs, including Eric Tucker from Millennium and Trudy Schafer from the Healing Hearth. Dinner will be accompanied by a thought-provoking program highlighting this year’s Think Before You Pink® campaign. We promise it will be an evening you won’t forget!
If you can’t join us in person, please consider joining us in spirit by making a donation. The evening’s proceeds benefit our work to achieve health justice for all women at risk of and living with breast cancer.
We look forward to seeing you on October 15!