Every day, Breast Cancer Action receives gifts honoring those who are living with or are affected by breast cancer. We also receive contributions to honor the passionate advocates, volunteers, medical professionals, and leaders of the breast cancer movement.

Many donations also memorialize those who have died of this disease. Each gift made in honor and memory will be used wisely by Breast Cancer Action to end the breast cancer epidemic.


Breast Cancer Action gratefully acknowledges donations made in honor of the following individuals April 3, 2019 – June 6, 2019.

Brenda Bellinger
from Duane Bellinger

Carole Telfer
from Robin Barkins

from Mary Anne McGuire-Hickey

Dorothy Kaplan
from Marion Thurnauer

Joan Goddard
from Charlene Lilie

Joyce Bichler
from Denise and Todd Helfstein

Linda Potter
from Rosalie Hewins

JoAnn Loulan
from Sarah Dorahy

Pamela James
from Fiona Gill

Peggy Huston
from Noelani Holden-Kane

Rebecca Saltzman
from Nick Josefowitz

Rose Brown and Steve Butler
from Linda Sue Johnson

Sandra Hagen Goldstucker
from Nancy Hagen Goldstucker

Smith College, Class of 1973
from Roberta Lipsman


Breast Cancer Action gratefully acknowledges donations made in memory of the following individuals April 3, 2019 – June 6, 2019.

Anne Elizabeth Somsel
from Mr. Stephen Kobasa

Annette Nasuta
from Annette Aronson

Atma Kaur Khalsa Okazaki
from Peggy Orenstein

Barbara Neckel
from Mary and Jon Drinnon

Beverly Hambrook
from Patricia Blair Pierce

Carol Sheinfeld
from Susan Sheinfeld

Cheryl McMillan
from Donna Zacchero

Doris Wechsler Freidin
from Ralph Freidin, MD

Ella Korman Mermelstein
from Sandy Mermelstein

Ellen Palmer
from Marianne Sargent

Gerald Larson
from Pratapaditya and Chitralekha Pal

Jacqueline Charak
from Virginia Wolfe

Janet Lee
from Stephanie Foster

Jennifer Wiliams, Angela Consolo Rossi, Francis Chapman and Traci Gibson Little
from Leah Bass-Baylis

Kim Pistey
from Marlene Fink and Stephen Lebbert

Linda Baralt
from Karen Snyder

Lucia Centrone
from Dora Weaver

Margaret Cheap
from Davia Lee Nelson

Miriam Shapiro
from Dianne and Nelson Shapiro

Patricia Hughes
from Katie Brennan and Albert Gasser

Rosalind Cohen
from Hallie Cohen

Sara McMickle
from Pamela Spencer

Sheri Simoncelli         
from Elaine & Howard Myers
from Patty & Paul Lucca
from Susie & Phil Zuehlke

Susan Claymon and Shelly Eisner
from Julie Gordon and Richard Eisner