Think Before You Pink is here! And we're taking on the administration

In this year’s Think Before You Pink® campaign, we are saying “We Can’t Be Pink’d: Say NO to Pink Policies.” We’re taking on the lack of leadership, from the President down to agency leaders, in addressing the breast cancer epidemic!
A proclamation was released this morning from the office of the President in which he proclaimed October to be “Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” and boasted about his administration’s crusade to “eradicate” breast cancer. Rolling back regulations and streamlining profit-oriented policies favors industry, not people living with and at risk of breast cancer.
If this administration really cared about people living with and at risk of breast cancer, they would enforce regulations that protect us from harmful exposures, stop approvals that may compromise our health, stop spreading misinformation, and ensure access to high-quality care for all people! Breast Cancer Action condemns the inaction taken by this administration in truly addressing the breast cancer epidemic.
We see the far-reaching failures of this administration’s approach to addressing the breast cancer crisis most blatantly in these four federal agencies:

  • the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • the National Cancer Institute (NCI)
  • the Department of Justice (DOJ)

Think Before You Pink 2020 Campaign Image with logo and the logos of the EPA, FDA, NCI, and DOj.Here’s the deal:
The EPA focuses on profit at the expense of environmental and public health; the FDA is not doing enough for patients and consumers; the NCI ignores the environmental causes of breast cancer; and the DOJ intends to invalidate the Affordable Care Act (ACA) through a Supreme Court case that will be heard in November.
Instead of taking action to address the breast cancer epidemic, this administration implements “pink policies:” policies that fail to protect people living with breast cancer and increase breast cancer risk for all people, especially for women, people of color, and low-income people. These anti-science, profit-before-people approaches reflect the multi-faceted mismanagement of the breast cancer crisis that is initiated by this administration and imposed upon these four federal agencies. This is unacceptable.

Now warm up those knuckles and get ready to sign petitions, send emails, and take action because we need you to join us in this critical work! Here’s how you can say NO to pink policies:  

  1. Check your inbox – With four distinct federal agencies to take on throughout the month of October, we will be releasing full details and calls to action every Monday morning throughout the month.
  2. Take action – Read about our action steps and add your name, send letters, and speak out on social media to protect all people living with and at risk of breast cancer.
  3. Share – To make the greatest impact, be sure to spread the word about the action steps released every Monday by sharing our social media posts and forwarding emails to colleagues, family, and friends.
  4. Represent the campaign with your Facebook photo – We’ve made three customized Facebook photo frames that you can add to your profile photo. Show your community that you support this campaign and help spread the word by adding frame #1#2, or #3!

We can’t do this work without you. Join us in telling the administration: We Can’t Be Pink’d!

Visit to learn more.