2008 Think Before You Pink® Campaign
In 2008, Think Before You Pink™ took on the dairy industry.
We focused on Yoplait’s pink-lidded yogurt, which was sold to raise money for breast cancer, but was made with dairy stimulated with the hormone rBGH.
Our online campaign called on General Mills, the manufacturer of Yoplait to “put a lid” on rBGH, and gave activists the tools to send that message directly to the CEO. Working with many partners dedicated to ridding the world of rBGH, BCA activists persuaded General Mills to do the right thing. As a result, Yoplait is now rBGH free.
Two weeks after General Mills announced they were going rBGH free, Dannon responded to public pressure and made the same promise to consumers. These two companies represent two-thirds of America’s dairy products.
Read our letter to General Mills.
- 2009 Business Ethics Network BENNY Award first place for outstanding corporate campaign victory
- Activated the public to send thousands of emails and postcards to General Mills, demanding rBGH-free Yoplait.
- General Mills acceded to public demand and stopped using rBGH.
- Dannon followed General Mills and went to rBGH-free.